West Africa 5th edition
Auteur : Lonely Planet
Editeur : Lonely Planet
Format : Broché
Paru le : 37266
ISBN : 9781740592499
Nombre de Pages : 896 pages
Poids : 0,705 Kg
Taille : 12,9 cm × 19,8 cm × 3,8 cm
Description :
Rewarding and rugged, West Africa's 17 countries have much to offer the adventurous traveller. Laze on golden-sand beaches, trek up cool Mt Cameroon or see Saharan caravans set off from Timbuktu - this updated guide leads you through all of this alluring region. * More than 170 maps, including a colour map of the region Full-colour Arts & Craftwork special section * Dedicated sections on West Africa's music and peoples * Stay safe and healthy - the lowdown on hotspots and health issues * Eat your fill, rest your head - places to eat and stay, to suit all budgets